selected work


selected works 2023 - 2024

PLANTA Vl - acrylic and oil on canvas - 150 x 210 cm, Lisbon, 2024

PLANTA V - acrylic and oil on canvas - 200 x 250 cm, The Hague, 2023

PLANTA lV - acrylic and oil on canvas - 200 x 250 cm, The Hague, 2023

PLANTA l - acrylic and oil on canvas - 210 x 120 cm, The Hague, 2023

PLANTA ll - acrylic and oil on canvas - tryptich 125 x 120 cm, The Hague, 2023

Untitled- 15 pencil drawings of figures, The Hague, 2023

Untitled- 12 drawings of figures, The Hague 2023

Untitled- 12 drawings of figures, The Hague, 2023

Untitled- acrylic and oil on canvas, The Hague, 2023